Friday, February 26, 2010

Chicken Egg

When people hear that we're writing a song a week for a year they often want to know just how we do it. What inspires us? Do we come up with the music or the lyrics first? We really don't have too many solid answers to give folks. Some weeks the songs are a struggle, other times they come together easily. There have been some weeks where I've written the lyrics and handed them to Scot to build a song around. Usually though, I wait for the music to be done and get my lyrical inspiration from the sound and vibe of it. This week was a magical anomaly where the lyrics and a melody just started flying out of me in a wonderfully unstoppable way. I was even able to overcome my technical difficulties and record a scratch track of the song into Scot's itouch ALL BY MYSELF! So you see, it really doesn't matter which comes first, the chicken or the egg, we love this song and hope you will too.

Direct download HERE

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pie In The Sky

This week's song is seasonal...a Lenten song loud enough to resurrect the dead. Scot likes to scream and I'm finding that our heavy songs are my favorites at the gym. By now, I'm sure you've all seen the mark of the smudge-faced parishioners trying to give up a few of their favorite vices. You might even suspect that the early completion of this week's song means that we gave up procrastination, but really we just want to be able to go out on a Friday night. It's been awhile. We'll probably be back to barely making deadline next week.

Direct download HERE

Friday, February 12, 2010

Adam's Rib

Nothing goes right to a boy's head like the kindly worship of his mother. Usually does more harm than good though, right ladies? This song explores the ego reconstruction that a man has to undergo if he's ever going to be worth a darn and truly make his mother proud.

Direct download HERE

Friday, February 5, 2010

Chalk Met Ink

This is our most delicate song to date. Almost feels like it could break apart at any moment, much like an egg shell or brittle piece of chalk. "Chalk Met Ink" tells the tale of childhood insecurities that later manifested themselves in an Easter egg hunt for love which eventually culminates in a Pentecost of sorts, enabling the songstress to finally hear and speak the language of love. Listen to this song after Vespers.

Direct download HERE